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As a mission, we have been called by God for such a time as this. The time is not tomorrow or soon; the time is now! It's time to be the hands and feet of the Kingdom, to be messengers of the gospel, to be carriers of hope and bringers of peace, to be those who reflect the character of God to those around us.


As Christians, we have a responsibility to give from what we have received and as He fills us, we are able to pour out from that overflow. This means we have a massive opportunity right in front of us, to be relevant wherever we are and to be active within our local community, in London, in England and to the Nations.


'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' (Matthew 28:19-20)


So let's take the challenge and be obedient to this call to serve, give, and reach out! Let's use our gifts and talents, skills and tools, and all of our capacity to love people in a way that prepares them for the King and His Kingdom. This isn't a light matter- it's about eternity.







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A 10-day outreach every summer in Bournemouth, England to bring joy, fun, laughter and the hope of the Gospel through creative means and acts of kindness. It’s a time of stepping out of our comfort zones to share what God is doing in and through us. We want to see revival here in England, and it starts with you and me!


Through free haircuts, manicures, playing games, and chats over tea, we love to bless those in our community with little luxuries that they may not be able to have. As they begin to recognise their value that goes beyond the physical appearance, we see God answer many prayers, showing his love and care for his children. We open up Salvation Army for a few hours to be a place of peace, encouragement, friendship, and honour to people in our community.


  • Info: every Saturday from 11-14


As a base, God is taking care of us in incredible ways through provision of food from a few local supermarkets and cafes. Not only is this a huge blessing for our YWAM community, but it is also a way to show our neighborhood how God meets practical needs in miraculous ways. We give out free food donations weekly to about 40-70 families.


  • Info: every Friday from 11-13 at YWAM Urban Key Harlesden



WildFire focuses on 4 goals: Care, Reach, Equip, Mobilize. Our heart is for the generations to encounter Jesus, find purpose and destiny, and extend His joy and love wherever we go- whether that is in the park down the street or across the globe! 


We work with children, teenagers and their families to help them know God and develop personal relationship with Him, recognizing the importance of the family in the spiritual development of children and young people.


We also facilitate a Faith Club at a local primary school giving away bibles, teaching, and connecting with the children.



The main focus of this ministry is to reach out to those who have been marked or labeled as “unloved” or “unworthy”, but also to the ones who have been used, abused, and abandoned. It's to reach out to those caught in addiction, homelessness, and sex work. The Lord is seeking even the furthest heart and we are putting ourselves in a position to be His vessels.


Throughout the years, we have seen God move powerfully in many ways to love his people- in specific conversations, by closing down clubs and drug houses, by providing free coats and gloves in the winter, by giving drinks and snacks, Christmas presents and meals. It's a privilege to be a part of the radical ways God brings healing and hope!


  • Info: every Saturday from 22:00-00:00


We join in with other Christian charities, churches, and agencies to bring care, support, empowerment, and mentorship to women working in clubs, parlors, and brothels in Central London. Our heart is for these women to know their value and feel supported and empowered to make decisions and lead full and healthy lives.


Info: Every Thursday from 18:00-23:00




Following the Master Artist, we are image bearers with the capacity to create alongside Him. For many, creativity is the only way they can fully express themselves and many times, God uses creative mediums in order to speak to His people. As a base, we are still pioneering this ministry to see how we can glorify God best through what we make.

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